What is the main reason that Justin Trudeau is legalizing cannabis?

Sherbet cannabis strain

In 2018, Canada made a history in becoming a first nation to legalize the marijuana for recreational use. This move spearheaded by Justin Trudeau and his government to fulfill the promise from his 2015 campaigns. But why did Trudeau prioritize the legalization of marijuana? In this blog, we explore the reason behind to legalize the marijuana.  Also understand the focus on the public health, safety, economic impact. At BCBUD, we proudly say that we offer high-quality marijuana products including the popular Sherbet cannabis strain.  This match the standard that set by the progressive legislation.

  1. The Main Reason: Regulation and Public Safety

The main to reason of legalize the Sherbet cannabis strain is for only public safety. For many period of time marijuana is the part of the black market. The sales of marijuana is controlled by the criminal organization. The government had a only little control to access the cannabis. It includes minors and there was a no way to ensure the quality and the safety of the marijuana. And Sherbet cannabis strain that are sold in the market.

Trudeau believed that if they legalizing and regulating marijuana. They control the public safety, Canada could achieve the several goals related to public safety:

  • Removing Profits from Criminal Organizations: One of the key points is to legalizing to cannabis is to shift the control from criminal organization to government. By creating the legal, regulate marketing; the government reduce the influence the black market and cutting the profit of sales.
  • Protecting Youth: Illegal cannabis was easy for minor to access and there was no way to enforce age restriction. Legalizing the marijuana government set the rule and regulation around the sales of cannabis, including age limit. This can help to protect the youth to early use of cannabis.
Sherbet cannabis strain
Sherbet cannabis strain
  1. Public Health: A Harm Reduction Approach. Sherbet Cannabis Strain

Another major reason of Trudeau to legalize marijuana was to reduction of the harm to public health. Before legalization, cannabis use was widespread in Canada, despite its illegal status. Instead of continuing to criminalize millions of Canadians for using a substance that many view as relatively safe compared to alcohol or tobacco, Trudeau’s government sought to minimize the health risks associated with cannabis use through regulation and education.

  • Educating Consumers: Through legalize the cannabis the doors are open for government can now offer clear information about benefits and risk of cannabis use. At BCBUD, we also provide the resources and guidance that help our customers make decisions about their cannabis use, whether they are exploring Sherbet cannabis strain or something new.


  1. Economic Opportunities and the Cannabis Industry

While legalizing the cannabis public health and safety were the primary reasons, no one denying the economic benefits come with it. Through legalize the cannabis Canada has grown into a multi-billion-dollar sector, creating jobs and generating tax revenue.

  • Job Creation: Legalize of the marijuana this creating a thousand of jobs opportunity from cultivation to retailer. At BCBUD, we proudly say that we are not only providing premium cannabis strains like Sherbet but also contributing to the local economy by creating jobs and supporting Canadian farmers and producers.
  • Tax Revenue: Legal cannabis sales provide tax revenue for both federal and provincial governments. This revenue can be reinvested in public services like healthcare, education, and law enforcement, further benefiting Canadian society.


Justin Trudeau’s decision to legalize marijuana was rooted in a desire to promote public safety, improve public health, and provide Canadians with safe, regulated access to cannabis. By legalizing marijuana, the government aimed to curb the black market, protect youth, and ensure that products are safe for consumption. The legalization of cannabis has also opened up new economic opportunities, creating jobs and generating tax revenue.

At BCBUD, we’re proud to be part of this new era of legal cannabis in Canada. We offer a wide range of products, including the popular Sherbet cannabis strain, which meets the highest standards of quality and safety. Whether you’re a new or experienced cannabis user, BCBUD is your trusted source for premium marijuana products in this exciting, legalized market.

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